MCHA Tuesday Program

MCHA TUESDAY PROGRAM is a unique element of our MCHA homeschool support group activities. During the school year, MCHA offers a weekly Tuesday afternoon (12:30pm-3:30pm) co-op program where families meet to provide our children with opportunities for the following:  

  1. Learning how to play team sports in a formal gym setting.  
  2. Learning new skills not normally feasible in a one-family school.  
  3. Taking direction from other adults and in so fostering respect for others.  
  4. Socializing and building friendships with other home schooled children.  

Electives offered each year vary depending on the make-up of our co-op community. Some of the classes taught by volunteer parents have included: electronics, knitting, yearbook editing, drama, chess club, website design, sensory science, outdoor skills, choir, and debate club. These are in addition to age-grouped sports activities held in the gymnasium. For our older students, we offer social gathering opportunities for them to build their leadership skills and friendship.

If you are interested in joining the program, please contact MCHA at for registration information.